Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Common Core, research, and FAT!

Common Core has one goal in life, to show me just how inept at math I truly am.  When my 2nd grader comes home with his math homework I find myself cringing just a bit.  All those blocks frighten me to be honest.   Do the creators of Common Core realize how hard math was for me to grasp the first time around?  Now they want me to learn an entirely new method.  I am just not sure this mama has it in her.

Sitting there counting on my fingers, trying to decipher the correct order the numbers should be "boxed".  I mean we are talking about 3 digit addition here folks.   This is not numbers, algorithms have no place here.   To the creators of CC I say,  I will not be defeated,  I have a secret weapon.. My teenage son.  He knows that funny math, and makes a great tutor..  A 10 spot goes a long way to a kid preparing for homecoming.

For those that are following the CC debate, eh, I followed it for a time and quickly realized it's way to political for an education program.  Do I really want my kids reading The Bluest Eye?  Not really, but then again the book is on a high school (junior, senior) level.  I remember reading  The Color Purple when I was in 7th grade.   I wonder how many teenage girls read 50 Shades?  What my children read, and are taught about their rights is something Ian and I as parents should be dealing with. As our children get older they will inevitably be subjected to opinions and people we don't necessarily agree with.  Who decided that children/young adults, can't have an open and honest discussion on hot topics (Miley Cyrus not included)?  Kids learn from those around them, their biggest influences should be their parents.  In a perfect world I guess..


Let's talk research.  I, HATE. RESEARCH.  OK, discussion over.. ha ha..   Some days I find myself sitting down to research something and 2 minuets later the kids are returning home from school. Always hungry!  Anyone else notice that? What about school has my children running for the pantry like they spent their day in the Sahara and not the suburbs?  Research like anything I guess depends on the topic I am diving into.  School subjects seem to be very mundane, while writing topics will have me engrossed for hours.  Is there some portion of the brain that can tell the difference?

I am currently researching religion.  Oh, now there is a topic that will keep me busy for days.  Sadly I don't have days.  I am on a deadline, admittedly self imposed but I have come to realize if I don't set deadlines I end up way off course.  Perhaps there is some correlation there with my bad math skills?

I am really enjoying my research on religion.  Gaining an education of sorts, yet still confirming many of my past suspicions..  Religion for the most part seems to be man made, and dates back farther than I can even fathom.  Those people coming together to celebrate one idea, one belief system.  How religion was created, and for what reason is my endeavor for the day.  Hopefully it ends up helping me, at the very least I will be better educated.  And, that always makes for a good day...


FAT~!  Yep, I put it all out there.  My bits and pieces are multiplying.  It would be very easy for me to blame my kids, Ian's job, or the fact that I live in the Tundra 9 months out of the year.  Alas, the blame days are over.  All me.  My fault.  Well and Culvers' butter burgers.  I could enjoy one daily, followed by a Starbucks Pumpkin anything and call my day fruitful.  My scale on the other hand is a mean ol' witch and has reminded me that I should probably find a better way to enjoy pumpkin...   The other day I read an interesting article about carrots, and sticks.  If you want your child to accomplish a goal, use a carrot (not a real one, probably more something like ice cream) but you get my point here.. My carrot will be in the form of a pumpkin latte from Starbucks.  For every 5 miles I run, I will treat myself to one.  Not really sure how that will clear up my bits and pieces, but if it will get my tubby butt back in the gym then I am all for it.   I have come to love my yoga pants and sofa a bit to much these past few weeks.  Not to mention shopping for an entire new wardrobe (as much as I loved Miley's skin colored bikini) is just not in the cards for me right now!

I know, I know not as hot topic as the past few posts, but in all honesty my life is very mundane.  Taxing my kids from here to there, cooking, laundry, writing (when I have a spare moment) and just living a very simple yet amazing life.   From time to time I will write something that hits a nerve.    I am almost positive there will be more of my opinions posted here, after all I have met myself a time or 2.  :)

Maybe I should end with a quote....

May You Live Everyday Of Your Life!!!! 

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