Saturday, August 24, 2013

Live like a grown up...

These past few months I have read several posts regarding utilities in military housing.  Countless people complaining about being forced to pay for their utility usage.   Quite frankly I am sick to death of hearing this nonsense...  Now it seems there is a petition circulating.  Hoping the White House will step in.  Good Grief!  

Here is the REAL deal!  Military members are allocated a certain dollar amount for utility usage.  If they go over the amount they pay. If they are under they either receive a refund check or are credited.   Um, I bet most American's would love a system like that!  And, just to give you an idea of what the usage price is here is one article  Exhibit A.  

Like every other program there will be bumps in the road, but this program was started because studies proved military housing residents used 45% more power than there civilian like modeled homes.  I have heard such arguments as home size differences, family size differences, and even that homes are not properly weatherized.  Here is a little secret.  Most homes are not 100% weatherized.  Most people who live in like modeled homes lead vastly different life styles.  Some have 2 TV's while other have 5.  It is called the real world!

EVERY other American pays their utilities.  EVERY other American has to take responsibility and be conscious of the power they consume.   I for one am tired of people trading on the "military clause" to garner public attention over issues such as these.

We have REAL problems with our military.  Actual men and women in combat who are still struggling to acquire safe vehicles, or body armor.  Real ships in the fleet that are in need of repairs.  Real people who are serving selflessly with little to no creature comforts of home.

Instead of protesting what you think are unfair power bills here is an idea.. MOVE OUT OF HOUSING!  Pay rent, electric, gas, water and trash like the rest of America.  Learn to budget and live within your means!

And, PLEASE don't try and say you can't afford it.  YES!  Everyone can.  Housing is a priority for ALL Americans.  If your spouse is just beginning his career and has yet to earn substantial rank to support the family then get a job.. Or, redo your family budget.  Like the rest of the world.   Some people plan accordingly to pay bills.  My family and I own 2 older model vehicles.    My family lives in the midwest where the cost of living is considered high.  We pay over $4 for a gallon of gas, and 7.5% tax every time we shop!   We still manage to pay rent and yes even our utilities!

While it is true there are many things being cut, BAH is not one of them.  BAH rates continue to increase (with the exception a a few places it was lowered to meet with standard cost of living for the area)

It is time for mil-spouses to stand up and call a foul.  Being a military spouse does not entitle me to ANY DAMN THING!   This is not Army Wives, and things will not be smoothed over in an hour.  This is real life.  So put on your big girl panties and pay a DAMN BILL... Just like the rest of us!

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Good for you... too bad the people who need to read it won't. :)
