Monday, August 26, 2013

I have hit that age!!!

Where everything seems to piss me off.  These days I spend a great deal of time shaking my head and yelling at benign objects.  TVs and computers tend to take the brunt of my rants.  For your amusement here are a few of my favorite things....

Home based businesses that target stay at home mothers.  All you need to do is provide your e mail address and a "low fee".  Yeah, here is a hint to all you pyramid scheming idiots.  If stay at home mothers had a "low fee" to spend they would not be looking for work!  Oh, and that e mail address that you provide will be sold to companies that will spam you EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Somehow one of these companies got a hold of my e mail address.  I plan to take a page from Rayven's book and send EVERY scam e mail address to the Mormons.  Maybe all they need is prayer?  That is not to say there are not reliable work at home jobs/companies.  But, for the most part they are a scam.  Google work at home scams and you can read for days.

The obscene number of workout/wellness coaches that have cropped up on FB.  REALLY hun, you worked out for a few months, learned how to eat right now you want to "claim" you are educated enough to sell me your services.  For yet another "low fee"  Maybe my work from home million dollar job can pay for your useless knowledge?  I would love to find the person that started the "pay me to tell you shit you already know club".   That person is a freaking genius.  There are plenty of great FB pages/blogs that are FREE!  People who just want to share their knowledge and learn from others.
 Faketogophers fall into this same category.  Just because you can afford a $1000 camera doesn't mean you know shit all about taking good photos.   I too can purchase a photo edit program and be a "photographer".   How about you take some time, attend a class or 2 then build up a portfolio.  Oh, and stop with the passive aggressive shit talking about other photo takers around you.  It's SO very unbecoming!

These mili spouse blogs/pages that seem to spend every ounce of energy calling other mili spouses names, or putting them down.  Is this where we as a community have come?   Do we really need yet another page on the Internet calling mili spouses names?  For shits and giggles today I spent some time looking over blogs/websites/FB pages for mili spouses.  The #1 seem to be hate blogs, followed closely by product sales (pampered chef and the like).. Bringing up the rear are the positive blogs.  You know the ones that actually help other Mili-spouses learn to navigate the murky waters of military life.   Personally I think this is just a product of society as a whole.   Somehow I honestly thought mili spouses were above the crap.  These days we sure seem to be swimming in it!

One of my personal favorites.  Google Animals in need of homes (fill in your state) and just start reading.  You would think these people are fighting the next Battle of Gettysburg.    Let me set the scene.  Someone posts a dog for sale, and in swoop the animal cops.  Demanding a home study, interviews, and future follow up visits.  I honestly think adoption a child in the US is easier than rescuing a dog.  Lord forbid you buy a dog from a reputable breeder.  You will be torn apart at the seams.    By all means rescue all the animals you want, fill your house to the brim if that makes you happy..   Stop judging those of us who choose to purchase a puppy because we have smallish children and are not comfortable with bringing a dog with no known history into our home.

And, last but not least...... The freaking public school system.  This has got to be the biggest freaking racket going these days.  Here is a simple solution. 1 administrator per school. 1 is all you get!  Give that person a secretary, and maybe a registrar but NO more than that.  Why are there 7 people EVERY single time I walk into my kids school?   Allocate a specific dollar amount per pupil and that money goes straight to the teachers.  Do not pass go, do not slip some bureaucrat a brown paper sack full of 100's under the table.  EVERY single cent goes to the teachers.  Give them a program like Core Knowledge (not to be confused with Common Core) and let them do their damn jobs.  Let the kids build volcano's and watch them explode.  Give the kids recess, art, gym, and music.  What do you wanna bet if the politicians and parents would just back off a bit and let the teachers teach our kids would flourish.. Soon enough those teaching that shouldn't be will be rooted out! While were at it all those "teachers" sitting in a room collecting a paycheck because they have been deemed a danger to kids yeah you all can go home now.. WITHOUT the paychecks.    This is going to be one challenging year in the American Public School system for me..  

I recently watched a TED talk "willful blindness"..   Just saying it kind of rings a bit true..

Maybe watch if you have some time.. :)  I plan to watch again if I can climb my ass down off this soap box I found my way onto... !!

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