Friday, August 30, 2013

Losing my religion!

Sadly it is GONE!   So much of what I was taught as a child no longer seems to coexist when the word religion is put on the table.  Everyone touting their beliefs, their rules, their commandments.  

When did we stop listening to one another?  If feels as though I woke up one day and realized religion is man made.   Just one more cog in a wheel of self importance, and high egos.  When did daily devotions become about telling others how they should live?   

Is it the loud minority?  I don't think so.  We have moved into a loud majority of Christians judging those around them.   Who's idea was it make this shift?  Where have I been for last last few years?  So many love to hear themselves talk and preach.  Not so many want open and honest dialogue.  

Was this a slow transition, or did it happen all at once?  Do Christians really believe that they have the right to tell others how to live?  How to love?  How to worship?   How to raise their children?  

Have we set out on a path of war against religion?  Who started the war?  How does it end?  What are the terms of surrender?  

Do Christians really believe God wants this disconnect among us?  God did not appoint me a judge in life!  How can people claim to have such wonderful relationships with God, yet spread hate and intolerance so easily?  

These are questions that I found myself plagued with.   I doubt I will find the answers any time soon.  To hot an issue to have an open, actual conversation.  To many believe they are doing Gods work.  

My religion has gone down the same road as politics.  Sadly there is just no hope that it will ever find it's way back into the light.. 

I have decided to step out of the religion debate, leave all the questions for another day or time.  The time has come to focus on those people who share the same values as I do.  Love, Compassion, Humility, Respect, and Tolerance....  That has become my new religion... :)  One I will be proud to raise my kids in!! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

I have hit that age!!!

Where everything seems to piss me off.  These days I spend a great deal of time shaking my head and yelling at benign objects.  TVs and computers tend to take the brunt of my rants.  For your amusement here are a few of my favorite things....

Home based businesses that target stay at home mothers.  All you need to do is provide your e mail address and a "low fee".  Yeah, here is a hint to all you pyramid scheming idiots.  If stay at home mothers had a "low fee" to spend they would not be looking for work!  Oh, and that e mail address that you provide will be sold to companies that will spam you EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Somehow one of these companies got a hold of my e mail address.  I plan to take a page from Rayven's book and send EVERY scam e mail address to the Mormons.  Maybe all they need is prayer?  That is not to say there are not reliable work at home jobs/companies.  But, for the most part they are a scam.  Google work at home scams and you can read for days.

The obscene number of workout/wellness coaches that have cropped up on FB.  REALLY hun, you worked out for a few months, learned how to eat right now you want to "claim" you are educated enough to sell me your services.  For yet another "low fee"  Maybe my work from home million dollar job can pay for your useless knowledge?  I would love to find the person that started the "pay me to tell you shit you already know club".   That person is a freaking genius.  There are plenty of great FB pages/blogs that are FREE!  People who just want to share their knowledge and learn from others.
 Faketogophers fall into this same category.  Just because you can afford a $1000 camera doesn't mean you know shit all about taking good photos.   I too can purchase a photo edit program and be a "photographer".   How about you take some time, attend a class or 2 then build up a portfolio.  Oh, and stop with the passive aggressive shit talking about other photo takers around you.  It's SO very unbecoming!

These mili spouse blogs/pages that seem to spend every ounce of energy calling other mili spouses names, or putting them down.  Is this where we as a community have come?   Do we really need yet another page on the Internet calling mili spouses names?  For shits and giggles today I spent some time looking over blogs/websites/FB pages for mili spouses.  The #1 seem to be hate blogs, followed closely by product sales (pampered chef and the like).. Bringing up the rear are the positive blogs.  You know the ones that actually help other Mili-spouses learn to navigate the murky waters of military life.   Personally I think this is just a product of society as a whole.   Somehow I honestly thought mili spouses were above the crap.  These days we sure seem to be swimming in it!

One of my personal favorites.  Google Animals in need of homes (fill in your state) and just start reading.  You would think these people are fighting the next Battle of Gettysburg.    Let me set the scene.  Someone posts a dog for sale, and in swoop the animal cops.  Demanding a home study, interviews, and future follow up visits.  I honestly think adoption a child in the US is easier than rescuing a dog.  Lord forbid you buy a dog from a reputable breeder.  You will be torn apart at the seams.    By all means rescue all the animals you want, fill your house to the brim if that makes you happy..   Stop judging those of us who choose to purchase a puppy because we have smallish children and are not comfortable with bringing a dog with no known history into our home.

And, last but not least...... The freaking public school system.  This has got to be the biggest freaking racket going these days.  Here is a simple solution. 1 administrator per school. 1 is all you get!  Give that person a secretary, and maybe a registrar but NO more than that.  Why are there 7 people EVERY single time I walk into my kids school?   Allocate a specific dollar amount per pupil and that money goes straight to the teachers.  Do not pass go, do not slip some bureaucrat a brown paper sack full of 100's under the table.  EVERY single cent goes to the teachers.  Give them a program like Core Knowledge (not to be confused with Common Core) and let them do their damn jobs.  Let the kids build volcano's and watch them explode.  Give the kids recess, art, gym, and music.  What do you wanna bet if the politicians and parents would just back off a bit and let the teachers teach our kids would flourish.. Soon enough those teaching that shouldn't be will be rooted out! While were at it all those "teachers" sitting in a room collecting a paycheck because they have been deemed a danger to kids yeah you all can go home now.. WITHOUT the paychecks.    This is going to be one challenging year in the American Public School system for me..  

I recently watched a TED talk "willful blindness"..   Just saying it kind of rings a bit true..

Maybe watch if you have some time.. :)  I plan to watch again if I can climb my ass down off this soap box I found my way onto... !!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Live like a grown up...

These past few months I have read several posts regarding utilities in military housing.  Countless people complaining about being forced to pay for their utility usage.   Quite frankly I am sick to death of hearing this nonsense...  Now it seems there is a petition circulating.  Hoping the White House will step in.  Good Grief!  

Here is the REAL deal!  Military members are allocated a certain dollar amount for utility usage.  If they go over the amount they pay. If they are under they either receive a refund check or are credited.   Um, I bet most American's would love a system like that!  And, just to give you an idea of what the usage price is here is one article  Exhibit A.  

Like every other program there will be bumps in the road, but this program was started because studies proved military housing residents used 45% more power than there civilian like modeled homes.  I have heard such arguments as home size differences, family size differences, and even that homes are not properly weatherized.  Here is a little secret.  Most homes are not 100% weatherized.  Most people who live in like modeled homes lead vastly different life styles.  Some have 2 TV's while other have 5.  It is called the real world!

EVERY other American pays their utilities.  EVERY other American has to take responsibility and be conscious of the power they consume.   I for one am tired of people trading on the "military clause" to garner public attention over issues such as these.

We have REAL problems with our military.  Actual men and women in combat who are still struggling to acquire safe vehicles, or body armor.  Real ships in the fleet that are in need of repairs.  Real people who are serving selflessly with little to no creature comforts of home.

Instead of protesting what you think are unfair power bills here is an idea.. MOVE OUT OF HOUSING!  Pay rent, electric, gas, water and trash like the rest of America.  Learn to budget and live within your means!

And, PLEASE don't try and say you can't afford it.  YES!  Everyone can.  Housing is a priority for ALL Americans.  If your spouse is just beginning his career and has yet to earn substantial rank to support the family then get a job.. Or, redo your family budget.  Like the rest of the world.   Some people plan accordingly to pay bills.  My family and I own 2 older model vehicles.    My family lives in the midwest where the cost of living is considered high.  We pay over $4 for a gallon of gas, and 7.5% tax every time we shop!   We still manage to pay rent and yes even our utilities!

While it is true there are many things being cut, BAH is not one of them.  BAH rates continue to increase (with the exception a a few places it was lowered to meet with standard cost of living for the area)

It is time for mil-spouses to stand up and call a foul.  Being a military spouse does not entitle me to ANY DAMN THING!   This is not Army Wives, and things will not be smoothed over in an hour.  This is real life.  So put on your big girl panties and pay a DAMN BILL... Just like the rest of us!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thank you Antoinette Tuff

I have never met you, and like the rest of the world, before today I didn't even know your name.  Until today.   This morning as my children were getting ready for school I listened to   THIS!!!     Then I listened to it again.  I sat there stunned at your grace, and poise.  The compassion you were displaying in the face of such abject terror.   I listened as you continued to say things like "you are not a bad person" or "I am going to walk out with you".    I asked myself later if I would have the strength and courage to face such a scenario?  I asked myself what you must have thought about when it was all over?  Your family and friends.  All those people who love you!  Sometime later I thought..  What about the children?  Will they all someday understand the enormity of your actions?  How many of those precious children did you save?

You are a HERO!  I will rest a bit easier tonight knowing your name.  Walking my son to the bus tomorrow I won't squeeze his hand quite so hard, because I know your name.   When the self doubt about sending my son off to a public school beings to rear it's ugly head, I will quiet the voice.  Because I know your name.  

Thank you Antoinette Tuff for giving us all a lesson in grace and compassion.  Thank you for your courage. And, Thank you for now I know your name!  


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!

*Cue Cindy Lauper*

These are 4 conversations with my daughter...

As some of you already know I had an injury to my backside a few weeks ago, caused by my dog.. Someday I will blog it... But, due to this injury I spent a lot of time laying on my stomach with pillows under me..

There I am laying on the sofa with my 2 pillows and a blanket.
Piper: Mommy, can I have your pillows?
ME: sure baby, you want to lay down?
Piper: yes..
2 seconds later Piper takes the pillows and walks over to Ian who is laying on the floor..
Piper:  Here daddy, you really need these pillows..
Ian:  (laughing quietly) no, no give them to mommy
Piper:  BUT DADDY! you need them.. (as she gently props them behind Ian).
She then walks over to me and steals my blanket, yep you guessed it because daddy was cold!

While sitting on the sofa
ME:  Piper I love you this much big (stretching my arms out as wide as I can)
Piper:  Well I just love you this little (holding her to fingers 1/4 inch apart)..

Having a tea party with Piper and Ian..
Piper:  Here mommy here is your water to drink..
ME:  Oh, but I am hungry can I have some Chicken noodle soup?
Piper: Um, no only daddy can have 2 chickens...
Ian: yep, I get the 2 chickens... Drink your water..

Piper:  Mommy can you paint my nails?
Me: sure baby sit down and let me see your hands..
(when I am done)
Piper:  OK, mommy now daddy has to dry them for me.. He is a better dryer...

I am beginning to see a running theme with my daughter.  The sun rises and sets with her daddy.

I just hope he thinks so when she is oh, say about 12 or 13 because well shit he got the pillows and chicken!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blogging 365

Blogging is my therapy and one I have greatly missed.  :)  I am going to try an experiment with this blog.  Blog 365.  Everyday for a year I am going to find something to write about.  These days I am writing an actual book, one that I am caught up in, and enjoying (OK, when I am not banging my head against the desk).  Or when Ian is not home on leave!  (insert HAPPY DANCE)  Who knows if it will ever get published, really that is not the point or reason I am writing it.  For many years I have written short stories, and even a couple novellas.   When Ian was deployed I spent a lot of my quiet time writing.  I have a TON of unfinished things. Mostly due to my horrid spelling/grammar.   Now that I have been a SAHM for some time I plan to see where it can take me....  If nothing else it will quiet the voices in my head.  Anyone else have conversations with characters at the most random times?  I tend to write about murder, serial killers, and psychics..  All of those people talking in my head can make for long days and a great deal of mumbling to oneself...

But, I still feel like something is missing with my writing.  Blogging.  The real time, events of the day/world/hour typed out.  I started blogging 5 years ago (holy shit it really has been that long)...

Tonight I bring you this to kick off my Blog 365...        REALLY?      Read, discuss and tell me what you think?  

Here is what I think HELL IN A HAND BASKET!!   Just make mine a Longaberger Please.....