When did we stop listening to one another? If feels as though I woke up one day and realized religion is man made. Just one more cog in a wheel of self importance, and high egos. When did daily devotions become about telling others how they should live?
Is it the loud minority? I don't think so. We have moved into a loud majority of Christians judging those around them. Who's idea was it make this shift? Where have I been for last last few years? So many love to hear themselves talk and preach. Not so many want open and honest dialogue.
Was this a slow transition, or did it happen all at once? Do Christians really believe that they have the right to tell others how to live? How to love? How to worship? How to raise their children?
Have we set out on a path of war against religion? Who started the war? How does it end? What are the terms of surrender?
Do Christians really believe God wants this disconnect among us? God did not appoint me a judge in life! How can people claim to have such wonderful relationships with God, yet spread hate and intolerance so easily?
These are questions that I found myself plagued with. I doubt I will find the answers any time soon. To hot an issue to have an open, actual conversation. To many believe they are doing Gods work.
My religion has gone down the same road as politics. Sadly there is just no hope that it will ever find it's way back into the light..
I have decided to step out of the religion debate, leave all the questions for another day or time. The time has come to focus on those people who share the same values as I do. Love, Compassion, Humility, Respect, and Tolerance.... That has become my new religion... :) One I will be proud to raise my kids in!!