She explained it was about investigating military families, being able to enter our homes at will, forcing military home school kids to attend public school. Basically removing the rights of military families in Missouri. I was shocked and asked her to send me a copy of the letter. A bit later she posted the letter on FaceBook and there I sat confused.
I have seen that form, filled it out for my own children. Several times in fact. And YEARS before Common Core, Data Mining, Obamacare or profiling were ever buzz words. Let me state here and now I have serious concerns with Common Core. I have a BIGGER issue when people or organizations use the military or military children to fuel their agenda.
I am posting screen shots of the form, and the subsequent conversation between myself and the page owner.
This is the form. This form is NOT used to data mine, help CPS and has nothing to do with Obamacare as the page owner goes on to state. Using the page owners own list here is what he/she claims this form helps CPS and the state of Missouri do.
1. determine if parents are under 21
2. do any family members smoke.
3. Families with students who are low achievers.
4. Families with military members.
According to the page owner this form is sent along with a survey to military families. Curiously the survey was NOT posted.
He/she also went onto to attach articles from political groups *I will NOT link those groups here* supporting her/his agenda. Somehow managing to tie this form to Ombamcare. The page owner crafted a message devoid of actual facts and posted it on his/her site to instill fear help educate military families. Asking them not to fill out this form. Claiming to do so would be to give up their rights.
This form is so a local school with a dense military/federally employed population can access much needed Impact Aid. here is a link on Impact Aid * Impact Aid * In a nut shell, Impact Aid has been around since the 50's. It is federal funding paid to schools with a dense military population to help offset the cost burden. Areas with a high percentage of military kids often do not receive local tax revenue therefore Impact Aid is granted. To qualify a school must meet specific requirements. This form helps schools to do that.
PLEASE if your child brings home this form fill it out! We all know schools with a high military population are almost always in an area where that funding is needed desperately.
I attempted to explain what the form was/is used for and the page owner continued to push his/her agenda.
Notice how my comment was removed (hence the grey) so that people can not read and actually understand what Impact Aid is.
This page owner also went onto delete my comment asking if he/she is in any way tied to the military?
I don't normally get into back and forth discussions on social media. Most of the time it is pointless to try and argue a point with a virtual stranger. I also really don't care what people say, do, or think most of the time enough to comment. In this instance WE ALL MUST Speak up!
I have a message for the Missouri Moms Against Common Core..
DO NOT use our children to further your agenda.
Our children are NOT tools, they are not a number and they are not a BUZZ word for your platform. You want to fight Common Core then gather actual facts.
I get it. Military kids seem to be all the rage these days. What with all the studies to determine if they are well adjusted? If moving so often helps or hinders them? What about deployed parents and how they bond with their kids? Stress of war time deployments? Changing schools so often.. and on and on.
One group after another has hopped on our military kids backs to ride out their cause or further their agenda/name. Least we all forget not to long ago a group wanted to ban military kids from being called Military Brats. Right now military kids are the new shinny cause. Well I am TIRED! It is ENOUGH!
You want to help military children and their families then roll up your sleeves, find a Wounded Warrior organization *Wounded Warrior Volunteer project* or a Gold Star Kids *Gold Star Kids.
There are so many great ways to get involved to support military kids where they need it!
Just PLEASE stop using our kids for your political agenda.